Hector Books: A Storyteller at Heart
Christine Gillougley, the founder of Hector Books, has always loved to tell stories. When she and her family made the move from Scotland to Australia, she had more time on her hands and decided to write the adventures of Hector, Hamish and Morag, her three little highland cow characters. She soon enlisted her husband to help her turn these loveable characters into children’s books. Since then, this creative duo have worked together to produce 4 books.

Behind the Hector Books Scenes
The design and creation of these books is all in the hands of Christine’s husband. They work with different illustrators to bring the words on the pages to life.  They then designed a beautiful set of plush toys which are created specifically for each of their books. Each toy has its own individual tags so no-one can mistake who they are.

Two Hands are Better than One
Christine works on her beloved business in a part-time capacity. The dynamic duo of Christine and her husband have always worked together on their small businesses even before coming to Australia, so they both enjoy the comfort and familiarity of working together again. Most of their work is done in the evenings and of course, they sell and promote their books at Perth Upmarket!

The Challenge Behind the Stories
The biggest challenge Hector Books have faced is managing to find the perfect illustrator to emulate what Christine sees in her mind’s eye as she writes these stories, and to capture the magic of these tales.
Bringing Joy to Bedtime
Christine’s goal is to make children happy and to inspire them to be kind and helpful. Christine finds it so rewarding to see children walking around cuddling their new best friend and knowing that at bedtime these books will be read in many houses in Perth. 
Hector, Hamish and Morag - A Hairy Cow Adventure was recently a finalist in the International Book Award for Independent Publishers which was a truly uplifting experience for Christine and her husband. Perth Upmarket staff members can certainly attest to the joy these characters bring to their children.

Perth Upmarket
When asked what Christine liked about Perth Upmarket she said, “I have loved Perth Upmarket since the first time I tried it. I was at the First at Upmarket location inside Hackett Hall, it was just before Christmas and the place was busy all day long. Every market day since then has been great, with fabulous attendance. The marketing is phenomenal and obviously works very well.”
Exciting Times Ahead!
For Christmas this year Hector Books will be introducing the soft toy for their character Leon, the Scary Lion. They launched Leon’s book earlier this year and it has had great reviews. Leon is so cute and Christine believes that everyone will fall in love with him and will want to take him home. Hector Books will also be doing a Christmas pack for Hector, Hamish and Morag along with Hector’s barn.
You can find Hector, Hamish, Morag, and Leon (and of course Christine) at Perth Upmarket on Sunday 18th September at UWA from 10am to 4pm.
Christine’s books are also available online here:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/hectorhamishandmorag
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hectorhamishand/